Feb 5, 2021 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, most offices and workplaces are wondering how they can sanitize their office equipment. As an example, most employees might frequently use the copier, whilst overlooking it when it comes to proper sanitization. But here...
Nov 24, 2020 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
With the remarkable rise in COVID-19 cases all over the world once again, businesses have been impacted at all levels. However, better economic conditions are on the way considering the latest research, as customer demand is tilted towards a positive outlook in the...
Nov 17, 2020 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
There are many benefits to keeping your office clean and tidy, including increased employee productivity as working in such an environment means you will get fewer distractions. In turn, you will be more organised. After all, you want your company to have a healthy...
Oct 2, 2020 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
Your office can be a bustling place, and when you are busy, things can often pile up in the workspace. Somebody can easily overlook a cluttered office as you become accustomed to the mess around you. A messy workspace can negatively impact your mood and your work. So,...
Sep 7, 2020 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
Any indoor environment can be susceptible to mould over time. Colder weather and too much moisture in the air can lead to condensation, and as a consequence, mould can develop in the workplace. If this happens, the workplace can be stuffy, smelly, and generally...
Apr 15, 2020 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
The 6 steps you can take to clean offices and workspaces to slow the spread of Coronavirus By now, you are more than likely aware of the global pandemic that is COVID-19 and the government issued advice to help slow the spread of it. That advice largely centres around...