Jan 13, 2022 | Office, Tips & Guides
As you go through your workday, you can often find that clutter and unnecessary items can build up on your desk and around the workspace. Clutter can have a negative impact on how you work, and it also looks unprofessional for anyone visiting the office. With our easy...
Aug 16, 2021 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
What is dust? Dust is a small particle that can be made of many things like dead skin cells, hair, pollen, mites, fibres from fabric and more. Dust can be found anywhere, but most noticeably inside of buildings. This is why we would like to share with you our top tips...
Jul 26, 2021 | Kitchen, Office, Workplace
Summer can be the messiest time of the year. Workers will be spending more time outside, which will bring mud and germs to the workspace. Understanding why a clean office is important is pivotal to encouraging your employees to work more productively. A workplace that...
May 18, 2021 | Kitchen, Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
When it comes to appliances, your office fridge is the one that’s always subject to food spills, stains and sticky fingerprints. A clean fridge is a happy one, and it’s the cornerstone of food storage in your kitchen office, so knowing how to keep your fridge clean in...
Mar 25, 2021 | Office, Tips & Guides, Workplace
Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath will be one of the biggest business challenges of our time, as most companies will have to adapt to new ways of working. The prime responsibility for navigating companies through the upcoming disruptions lies...